I stumbled across the following site while looking for some information on water profiles for all grain brewing.
Let me give you some background. I did my first all grain batch a few months back. Well technically it wasn't all grain, but it was done using a partial mash.
Anyway, the beer was awful. And by awful I mean I couldn't drink it. Awful meaning I had to dump the whole batch. Now keep in mind, this is beer we are talking about, and having to dump 5 gallons of wholesome goodness wasn't easy to do. Why was it awful? Well it tasted like I was chewing a mouthful of grains. You get the idea.
Anyway, as I was doing my research as to why it came out this way, I started coming across information on water profiles. My best guess, since I wasn't doing a damn thing regarding my water, was this had something to do with this mess I was trying to call beer.
Here's where things got a little interesting. I have a whole house reverse osmosis system, and I was trying to build out my water profile using a tool. If you don't know anything about water profiles, you need a starting point to build from. Yep, I was trying to figure out what the water profile of my RO system was.
No problem, a quick google search was bound to turn up a few thousand results on what the ion content was from a reverse osmosis system. Want to guess how many results came back. Just one.
Gotta give this guy some props for posting the water profile from his RO system, as it saved me a few dollars from having to have this analysis done. So here's to you Mr Brewginner, thanks for sharing.